Get inspired by VistaMint for personalized coins for your newborn’s birth, baptism or baby shower!


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How about a coin with a picture of your adorable baby processed in sweets? 




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Would you like to keep good memories of your baby shower?

Why don't you make a wish tree in which everyone can leave a personal message, and take along a personalized key chain as a keepsake and thank you gift.

Idea: Sell scratch cards at the baby shower. Have the guests scratch with your baby's personalized coins, which can be kept as a nice memory. Some guests might for example win a prize like a babysitting job. You can save the proceeds for your little one, a nice start for your baby!


Verras je gasten met een klein cadeautje. Zo kun je ze meteen bedanken voor hun bezoek en het cadeau dat ze eventueel hebben meegebracht. 

Kies ook iets leuks uit voor de kinderen die op het feest aanwezig zijn.

Snoep _Babyborrel_vierkant.jpg

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